Sunday, January 24, 2010

There Is No Plan B

One of my favorite television programs is “The Practice.” Although it is no longer in syndication, I still watch the reruns. The law firm that is portrayed on the program is known for a courtroom maneuver that they call, “Plan B.” That is when they call one of the victim’s relatives to the witness stand and bushwhack him, accusing him of committing the crime that their client is charged with.
In our lives, we often resort to our own version of Plan B. It is a backup plan that we have in our mind or proposal in case the original plan fails. If we cannot get the job that we want, we go to Plan B. If we cannot get into the school that we desire or pursue the degree that we dreamed of, we resort to Plan B.
Plan B has become a cop out to many of us. If a task seems too difficult, or it looks like we might not reach our goal, we give up and look for Plan B. Our motto is, “If at first you don’t succeed, go to Plan B.”
Jesus gave the church a commandment before He left. He told us to make disciples. In Acts 1:8, He said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…” We must be looking for a Plan B, because 95% of church members have not lead one person to Christ. Instead, we complain about how messed up the world is.
Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” It is time for us to stop playing church and start being the church. There is only one way that we can change this world. There is no plan B.

- Rev. Burton Barr, Jr

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