Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Way

A fly was trapped inside of a house. Everyday, he looked out of the window and saw all of the other flies just flying around and enjoying themselves in the nice warn sun. He decided that he was going to get out of that house and enjoy the fresh air too.

He flew towards the daylight only to bump his head on the windowpane. Again and again he tried to break through, but again and again be bumped his head on the cold, hard glass. He looked in the window seal and saw all of the flies that died trying to escape through the window. He was determined that he was not going to end up like them. He was going to make to freedom. But after days of trying, he eventually joined all of the other flies that lay dead in the window seal.

The sad thing is, he did not have to die there. Just a few feet from the window was a door that was standing wide open. If he would have chosen the door, he could have flown safely through. But he lay dead in the window seal because he was determined to do it his way.

We are often unsuccessful when we try to break free from situations in our lives because we are determined to do it our way. What we don’t realize is there is a door nearby that is standing wide open. Jesus is that door. He is standing there with his arms wide open. He is saying, “I am the way” (John 14:6)

Lets stop trying to do things our way, and trust God to work things out His way.

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