Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burned Bridges

A wolf fled from a forest and ran into a village in great fear. Hunters and a pack of hounds were after him. Desperately, he looked for an opening in the city’s walls but found that every gate was closed.

When he looked up, he saw a cat sitting on top of the wall. He asked the cat which of the neighboring farmers might be sympathetic and hide him from the hunters. The cat said, "Go to Mr. Drucker’s farm at the north end of the village. He is a kind and generous man.”

“I can’t go there,” said the wolf. “I recently tore the skin off one of his sheep.” As the sound of barking dogs drew nearer, the cat said, “Then go to the west side of the village to Old Man Bill’s farm.”

“I’m afraid he is angry with me too,” said the wolf. “I carried off one of his kids last week.” “Then go to the south,” said the cat. “Henry’s farm is not far away.” “Henry is still upset with me from last spring,” said the wolf. “He threatened to kill me over one of his lambs.”

“There is really only one other possibility,” said the cat. “Daniel’s farm is on the other side of the woods. If you hurry, you can make it.” “I don’t think Daniel is a good choice either,” said the wolf. “I killed one of his calves two weeks ago.” The cat slowly shook his head and said, “Those are the most patient farmers in our area. Apparently you have burned a lot of bridges around here. It looks like you are on your own.”

I don’t know about you, but I have burned a lot of bridges in my life. Some of them were with friends, neighbors, relatives, even my own children. But there is one who can rebuild any bridge, no matter how badly it has been burned. His name is Jesus Christ. He did it for me. He can do it for you too. After all, He rebuilt the bridge that was burned between God and us.

Burned bridges destroy families, friendships and relationships. Have you burned any bridges? Do you want to rebuild them? Ask Jesus to help you. Don’t wait until it is too late.

- Rev. Burton Barr, Jr. (Author of The Hoodlum Preacher & Amazing Grace: The Storm Is Passing Over.)

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