Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wasted Gifts

I hate shopping. Can’t stand it. I don’t like to shop for food, clothing, furniture, appliances or anything else. I probably hold a record for the fastest time getting in and out of stores. What’s so ironic is, before I was called to full time ministry, I worked in stores. Most of my “legal” jobs were in retail sales and management. My livelihood depended on my ability to get people into my store and separate them from their money.

In those days, my favorite holidays were the ones that people spent a lot of money buying gifts. But I don’t look forward to those days anymore. Don’t get me wrong; I still love holidays, and I love giving gifts to people. I just hate the shopping part, especially if the gifts are not appreciated.
I always spend a lot of time and energy trying to find the perfect gifts for people. Most of the time I am successful and people appreciate the gifts that I give them. But sometimes I give people gifts that they don’t really want. I know they don’t want them because they never use them.

Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever given a special gift to someone that you love and they never use it? They never wear that sweater. They never use that gadget. They never play with that toy. That painting is still sitting in the closet collecting dust. How does that make you feel? Are you hurt or disappointed because they are wasting a perfectly good gift by not using it?
How do you think God feels when He gives us gifts that we don’t use? Our churches are filled with gifted singers, but many of our choir stands are half empty. We have some of the finest educators in our congregations, but we don’t have enough Sunday school classes because we can’t get enough teachers. Our members have been blessed with all kinds of gifts and talents, but many of our ministries are suffering due to the lack of volunteers.

Pastors are begging their congregants to get off of the pews and get involved in some kind of ministry. But Sunday after Sunday, we just sit there wasting the gifts that God has given us. God gave you that gift for a reason. Are you using your gift to bless someone? Or are you just wasting it?

AUDIO: "Wasted Gifts"

- Rev. Burton Barr, Jr. (Author of The Hoodlum Preacher & Amazing Grace: The Storm Is Passing Over.)

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Char Barr said...

Ouch! You really know how to hit home. Your messages are always so genuine - straight from the heart of God. Keep on listening to God for His profound words of truth!

Unboxed said...

Thanks Pastor Barr. Giving is a fundamental part of living that we often forget. The word says, "to whom much is given much is required"! The gifts we are given are really divine requirments of God, and not for our own gain. Its the work he has put us here to do. I always believed my gift was to be a communicator for God. With my words I have been able to destroy and rebuild. I have onced caused every obstacle in my life by the power of my tongue. Then with the same tongue I would regain what I had lost. At first I thought this repetitive cycle was what God wanted for me. I had preconceived notions that people hated me because I wasnt afraid to express what I was feeling or because they envied my ability to do so. After many disappointments from people, and myself I am learning that cycles are just cycles. Tribulations carry more than struggle. Problems carry solutions. Thus, in cooridance with the spirit, we must use everything we got good and bad for the greater good. We are created for service, so God will make use of us no matter how hard we try to deny him. Free will means, we can choose what example we want to live by. But, if we choose not to serve God will make an example of us. Now with the tongue I use, I give words to bring healing not condemnation. I use my gifts to teach others how to rise out of myrid clay and be motivated for service. Free will says they have the right to ignore his calling. However, uselessness has a place, in hell, so hopefully we all find our purpose before near end.
Trust me from experience, eternal damnation is not where I want to be. My gifts have allowed me to see it both ways and in service is a much brighter way to live. When you give you recieve and much greater his love. When it is all said and done, I may have lived unrightoeusly at times but I know in both good and bad examples I was of service to the father. God only knows how they will receive it. All I know is that he told me, "my devastations will brings others out of devastations" well thats my cross to carry. My service is to survive the struggle, overcome and be a glory through my words, all for the glory of GOD! Jehovah-Nissi I love you eternally! I suffer for you and the deliverance of all. To the believers....Just give.

Monica M. Hill
Carpe Diem Communications
a PUBLIC~MEDIA Communications Co.