One of the earliest memories of my childhood is my father teaching me to pray. I was about four or five years old. My parents were going through a temporary separation and, during this time, my mother and younger brother lived in St. Louis. My father and I lived in Chicago where we shared a two-bedroom apartment with my grandparents, my uncle, Bill, and my cousin, Rose.
Every night, before I went to sleep, Dad would lead me in “The Lord’s Prayer.” I would carefully repeat the words after him. One night, I jumped into bed, anxiously awaiting Dad to lead me in our prayer. Instead, he told me to go ahead and pray. I was terrified.
“Dad, I don’t know how to pray,” I said nervously.
“Son,” He said, “Prayer is just talking to God. Just talk to Him the same way you talk to me.”
I recited the prayer the way my father had taught me. Then I added a few more sentences. I don't remember what I said, but I will never forget the smile that was on my father's face.
Dad is at home with the Lord now. Whenever I pray, I can see that big smile on his face. Thanks Dad, for teaching me how to pray and for letting me know that God is only a prayer away.
Our prayer time was very important to him. Eventually, it became one of the highlights of my day as well. I have discovered that prayer is just communicating with God. By communicating, I mean it is a two-way conversation. Yes, God talks to us as well. However, instead of seeking a relationship with Him, we sometimes try to turn God into a ‘sugar daddy’. We are so busy begging Him for stuff or surrounding ourselves with noise that we can’t hear Him.
If you have read my first two books, you know that I have a troubled past. I was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a con man, a liar and a thief. I also went to prison several times. I didn’t realize it at the time, but even when I was at the lowest point of my life, God still loved me. Although I had forsaken Him, He had never forsaken me.
That is the message I try to convey to everyone. It is the message of hope. Too many people have given up on themselves. They look at their situations and wonder if anyone cares about them.
I heard a song heard many years ago that sums up God’s love of man. I can still remember some of the words:
In a mansion made of stone.
In a shanty all alone.
God cares. God cares. He cares for you.
Whether black or white
You are precious in His sight.
God cares. God cares. He cares for you.
It doesn’t matter what you have done or what you have become, God still loves you. You can be sitting on top of the world or sitting in a prison cell, God still loves you. He not only loves you, He really cares about you.
This book is not a lesson in how to pray. The purpose of this book is to help you realize the importance of having a relationship with God. When you are ready for God, He is ready for you. It doesn’t matter if you are in the White House, the church house or the crack house; He’s Only a Prayer Away....
He's Only A Prayer Away: Examples Of Praying Until Your Breakthrough
In stores Sept 1st, 2010 by Rev. Burton Barr Jr.
Available at Barnes & Noble, and
Love you all,
Rev. Burton Barr Jr. (Author of "He's Only A Prayer Away", "The Hoodlum Preacher" and "Amazing Grace: The Storm Is Passing Over") & Cedric Mixon
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