Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year, from Rev. Burton Barr Jr.

I want to take this time to thank all of you for your support last year. You have truly been a blessing to me. I pray that this new year brings you all of the joys and blessings that you can imagine.

While we were eating breakfast this morning, my wife asked me what was my most memorable day in 2009. Without giving it a single thought, I said, “Christmas morning.”

As some of you might know, I have spent the last eight Christmas mornings in one of the local jails, giving hope to the men and women that are incarcerated. People ask me why would I rather spend Christmas in jail with criminals and jailbirds instead of spending it at home with family and friends. My answer is simple. I was once a criminal and a jailbird myself.

I remember Christmas morning in 1985. I was an inmate at the Cook County jail in Chicago. I was depressed at the thought of spending another Christmas in jail. No family. No visitors. No hope.

Then I heard that Rev. Jesse Jackson was in the gym with a group of people from different churches for a Christmas program. When I reached the gym and saw all of the people that were on the stage and I heard the message of hope that Rev. Jackson preached, my life was never the same.

In 2002, I was on a program with Rev. Jackson in St. Louis. I told him how he had changed my life on Christmas morning at the Cook County jail in 1985. He invited me to go to the jail and be on the program with him that Christmas. I went to Chicago that Christmas and the next.

Although I was given an open invitation to go the Cook County jail with Rev. Jackson every Christmas, I thought about the men and women that were incarcerated in St. Louis, where I live. Therefore, I have spent the last six Christmas mornings at the Medium Security Institution in St. Louis.

So next Christmas morning, while you are sitting around the tree, opening the gifts that you received, say a little prayer for Rev. Jackson and the people that are with him at the Cook County jail in Chicago. While you are at it, say a little prayer for me, and the people that are with me in the Medium Security Institution in St. Louis.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

- Rev. Burton Barr Jr.

1 comment:

T said...

Happy New Year

Keep on your journey for Christ.
We need more brothers who know the
struggle and can say "been there,
done that" and mean it.
Love all your books!!!
God Bless you and your work.

Your Sister in Christ